MERIDIAN METHODホットストーン・メディカルセラピーは東洋医学的な経絡や陰陽五行の考え方に加え、筋骨格、リンパ、血流などの解剖学的要素をふまえて行う五感に働きかけるオリジナル・セラピー(医療行為ではありません)。東洋医学と解剖学の基礎知識をしっかりと自分のものにし、自信をもって施術にあたることで、お客様との信頼関係がより深まります。理論と実技のバランスがとれていることが、真のセラピストとして活躍するうえで重要と考え、どちらも妥協することなく、わかるまで丁寧に学べるカリキュラムです。
The Meridian Method Hot Stone Therapy is original (not a medical practice) that works on the five senses, based on anatomical elements, such as the musculoskeletal system, lymph, and blood flow. In addition to the traditional Chinese medical meridians and the Yin-Yang Five Elements. By firmly acquiring the basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, human anatomy, and performing treatment with confidence, a deep relationship of trust can be made with your client. We believe that a good balance between theory and practice plays a vital and active role as a therapist. Our curriculum enables you to learn thoroughly at your own pace without compromise.
The Meridian Method curriculum teaches (1) the theory of traditional Chinese medicine (2) the knowledge and techniques based on human anatomy and, (3) the unique methods of Japanese hospitality. The goal is for the therapist to both enjoy this method and perform it confidently. We train therapists who have the skills and aspirations to make customers want to entrust their hearts and bodies to them.
❶ 養成講座に申し込む
❷ 座学講座を受講(オンデマンド)
❸ 座学講座終了テスト
❹ 実技講座を受講(対面)
❺ 実習レポートを提出
❻ 実技認定試験を実施(対面)
❼ 認定証を発行
• 東洋医学の考え方
• 陰陽論(陰陽の考え方、陰陽のバランスなど)
• 五行論(五行とは、五行色体表を使った診断など)
• 気血水(気血水とは、それぞれの変調の特徴
• 五臓六腑(五臓六腑の働き、それぞれの変調の特徴)
• 病因(外因・内因・不内外因)
• 経絡(14経絡とそれぞれの特徴)
• 解剖学(総論・骨格系・筋系)
• 解剖学(外皮系・心臓血管系・リンパ免疫系・消化器系・呼吸器系・泌尿器系と生殖器系・内分泌系)
• 解剖学(神経系・特殊感覚器系)
• 実技座学
• MERIDIAN METHOD国際メディカルセラピスト
• オリジナル・ホットストーン(意匠登録済)2つ
• 東洋医学概論テキスト 1冊
• 実技テキスト 1冊 ※単元別オンデマンド動画
受講費用 498,000円(税込)
The stone used in the Meridian Method is a rare Mannari-ishi mined only in Okayama, Japan. It has excellent heat retention capabilities making it ideal for hot stone therapy. Its strength makes it safe to use during two-stone therapy sessions when the stones come in contact with each other. The quality is also durable due to its low water absorption. It is an ethical, natural stone that does not contain any chemical substances, and each stone is machined one by one by a Japanese artisan. Mannari stone, also known as Sakura Mikage, has a gorgeous pink color that looks beautiful and dignified.
The Meridian Method aims to improve the flow of Keiraku throughout the entire body. It is essential that the stone fits various parts of the body and that the therapist can perform the treatment efficiently. Based on Rie Usui’s 27 years of experience in acupuncture and moxibustion treatment and 15 years of experience in guasha treatment, we have developed an ideal shape through trial and error. The most significant strength of our unique and original stone is the maximum effect, minimum effort. Its goal is to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment on the client and to minimize the burden on the therapist. This original design has been registered at the Japan Patent Office.
痛みの緩和 代謝アップ |
血行の改善 むくみ改善 |
消化器系疾患の改善 自律神経を調整 |
The synergistic effect of both the warmth of the hands and our hot stones with excellent heat retention is believed to smooth the Keiraku throughout the body and efficiently circulate energy and blood. In general, it is said that the following effects can be expected from thermal stimulation.
・Pain relief ・Improvement of blood circulation ・Improvement of digestive system diseases
・Hypermetabolism ・Edema reduction ・Autonomic nerve regulation
The shape of our original stone and its excellent heat-retention are both keys for the Meridian Method to not only have a relaxing effect but also to prepare the body before any illness.